Life steers to a completely different pathway when you’re in love. Being with someone expose us to an unknown side of us and help us grow as an individual. Following are the things that we learn when being with someone you love are:
1. To Give – Being in love with someone makes you understand the importance of giving in the relationship. Hence, you shower your lover with affection, without asking anything in return.
2. Adapt New Things – Being in love with someone helps you to adapt to fresh things, which you haven’t tried ever before such as hiking or watching romantic plays.
3. Sharing is Caring – Love is such a beautiful thing that you want to share everything with that person because you care about him/her. It helps an individual to be unselfish.
4. Unconditional Love – You tend to learn to love someone at their best of times and at their worst times as well.
5. Exchange of Tastes – You learn about yourself that you like your partner’s favorite cuisine too, which you have never tasted before.
6. Good Changes – You start watching different genre shows with your mate, and you actually get addicted to it.
7. Flexible – The transition from single hood to be in love with someone are two totally different shores. One becomes quite adjustable to make his/her partner happy.
8. To Listen – In a relationship, we become good listeners to comprehend what are the partner needs and to analyze the situation calmly.
9. Motivated – Even if you had a long day, you are still motivated towards life because you have someone beside you.
10. Respect – Discovering and valuing the important things to your better half.
11. Honesty – Open about your thoughts would help you to be in an honest relationship.
12. Communicate – Learning to be in touch with them in different ways such as email, phone or saying it with a card. Diverse ways to contact would make the communication effective.
13. Dependability – Learn to rely on someone with full open arms. You know you can depend on your partner blindly.
14. Expressive – You start to convey feelings & opinions more than before. It is good too as it is important to let your partner know how much she/he means to you.
15. Self Acceptance – You learn to take risks and talk about things you’re ashamed of yet, he/she will still love you the same way, helping you to accept yourself too.
16. Love Yourself – Being in love, makes you fall in love with yourself too. You start feeling good about yourself, and it actually boosts confidence.
17. To Forgive – During the relationship, there would be moments where you end up forgiving your partner for hurting you in some way or the other because you love him/her so much.
18. To Compromise – When you’re in love, you learn to adjust according to the needs of your partner.
19. Expect the Least – Your partner does not have psychic power that he/she would know you want the breakfast in the bed, until you indicate them nicely.
20. Responsible – Being in love makes us dependable and a mature person, because we feel to take care of another human being, in the best possible manner.
21. Dedicated – An individual learns to be committed to his/her love partner, unafraid of any upcoming situation.


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