Patrick Hall, A South Carolina based wedding photographer has a very mind-blowing idea you have ever heard of. That idea is to capture people being shot by a taser stun gun in a slow motion. He got some people to do the taser photo shoot and to make it more interesting each person must be tased by their loved one or friend- how cool is that?
“The person getting tazed was almost always nervous and jittery with either a sense of fear or anxiety. The participants doing the tazing had a different demeanor altogether. Most of them were excited to cause pain to their friend and only showed remorse immediately after executing the shock,” says Patrick.
Many people would curse and scream while others are laughing. If you look at the pictures below, you will see some people just stay quiet without any reaction at all. I have no idea how those people can stand the crazy shock!

Photographer Patrick Hall - laughing taser shot
Photographer Patrick Hall - so hurt woman 1
Photographer Patrick Hall - so hurt woman
Photographer Patrick Hall - so hurt
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot Big Man 1
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot Big Man
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot Big woman
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot crying woman
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot Man
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot woman 1
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot woman 2
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot woman with glass
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot woman with hat
Photographer Patrick Hall - Taser Shoot Woman


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