You are dating someone and enjoy spending time with her. But, somewhere back of your mind it pops up that is he the right one for you. Is he here to stay for long or things would be over by the next weekend. Before a girl starts investing time with a guy she is only attracted to that guy, but knowing him is a gradual process which happens with time. Therefore, below is the mentioned signs to look for, and to know whether he is a perfect boyfriend or not:
1. Romantic – If your beau keeps the relationship full of love and be that fairy tale guy who would sweep you off your feet then which girl wouldn’t want to be with him.
2. Interested – Is your boyfriend keen to know about your life, goals, dreams? Does he ask you about your day experience. Then, that is one of the signs to look for because it shows that how much he missed you and want to know all to catch up of what he has missed being part of your life.
3. No Pressure – Your lover mounts no pressure on you for anything. He let you be the way you are; he might try to give you advice about it, but does not really push you for it.
4. Respect – Your sweetheart does not have a habit of popping put his eyeballs when he sees another girl. He never insults you in front of his comrades.
5. Bed Talking – It is a good sign if you both have enjoy between the sheet moments & sweet nothings with each other.
6. Trust – If you are able to trust him completely then your relationship will go a long way. He is a perfect man because you don’t feel insecure with him.
7. Socialize – Who doesn’t like to socialize once a while? Meeting friends and partying would also show that he is liked by others and is not a needy person under depression.
8. Importance – Your hot beau gives you value over others and put everything on the second-priority list surely it is a good sign that he loves you.
9. Communication – Is he someone who keeps sending text messages with kisses & hugs and keeps you posted about the day. It shows he is not a secretive person that’s a good sign.
10. Motivation – analyze the low times of your life, whether he was present, if yes, then surely he would be motivating you that you aren’t incompetent and will do better.

11. Dreams – Does your lover have a dream to achieve? If yes, that’s a good indication that he would chase it rather than crying over the struggle of life.
12. Care – When you fall ill, does he take care of you. If he loves you, he will be worried.
13. Consistency – Your boyfriend has a steady behavior, he does not get heavy mood swings for which he regrets later.
14. Share – Evaulate whether your boyfriend share his problems with you or not. It is not a good sign that he keeps is feeling bottled up.
15. Best Friends – Before he being your BF, is he your BFF. If yes, this is the reason you both gel up easily.
16. Family Guy – If your love partner loves his family surely he is a man who believes in a committed relationship.
17. Take Your Side – No matter what, he is always your side during an argument with friends or family.
18. Plus One – regardless of where he is going, he always takes you, proudly.
19. Surprises – Gives you small surprises to keep that freshness alive in the relationship, which is another sign that he cares about you and him.
20. You’re Beautiful – Your boyfriend finds you charming and smart always which gives you a power boost and you really love this feeling.
21. Passionate – Does your beau have dedication towards a job or hobby? In that case, certainly, he has a capability to keep you happy and secured because he knows what it takes to behave your important people and things in life.


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