Losing weight, almost 20 lbs, in 30 days seems a difficult task. However, if you are ready to face the challenge and workout as much as possible, you can achieve success in losing such an amount of weight from your body.
Couple of Intense Workout Sessions
In case you are healthy to perform physical activity on any intensity level, then it is suggested that you should plan couple of short, but intense workouts every week. Such short workouts are going to aid in burning maximum calories. Again, the time taken will be quite low. You are also going to build muscle as well as boost the metabolism during such sessions.
Follow Intense Sessions with Low Intensity Exercise
Following hard workouts, it is important for you to give your body some rest by allowing it to perform low intensity workouts. Remember, it can be difficult to maintain hard workouts on a regular basis. Since low intense exercises involve an increased range in motion, it is going to help those muscles, sore with intense workout, to recover at a quicker pace. Again, you will still be burning some amount of calories as well, which will eventually lead to weight loss.

Start with Moderate Before Jumping into Intense Again
There should also be scope of moderate intensity workout sessions before the next high intense workout. You should keep challenging yourself by increasing the session duration. This ensures that you are prepared for the intense rounds. Again, since there is still scope of doing more exercise, you will be served better for your weight loss.
Need to have a Healthy Diet is Still Necessary
To lose weight in 30 days, only hard workout will not help. You must include a healthy diet as well. You should include fruits, vegetables and lean protein in your diet that can help in fueling the workout and give you the best results.


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