1. He will be your biggest fan (after your mom of course).
2. He will initiate conversation with you all the time.
3. He will be a good listener.
4. He will let you vent out all your anger and frustrations.
5. He will speak his mind calmly and coolly.
6. He will admit he is wrong when he is wrong.
7. He motivates himself.
8. He is passionate towards his job.
9. He takes proper care of himself, whether it is his body, soul and mind.
10. He brings out the best in you.
11. He is never afraid to use the word we, when relating to you and himself.
12. He will communicate with you, not just with text and calls, but also in person, whenever possible.
13. He takes action on things, which you tell him.
14. He will stick to you in your best and worst times.
15. He shows care to the smallest of things that happen in your life.
16. He might not want to, but he will never show fear of losing you, if you would want to move out of his life.


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