1. You should get yourself freed from the wrong people.
2. You should start showing respect and kindness to your partner as well as everyone around you.
3. You should accept your partner to be just the way your partner is.
4. You should do little things to make your partner happy always.
5. You should always be loyal.
6. You should keep all of your promises to your partner.
7. You should always tell the truth.
8. You should not interfere in your partner’s decision.
9. You should leave the petty arguments aside.
10. You should ignore making hurtful comments.
11. You should pay more attention to your relationship.
12. You should become a good listener whenever it is needed.
13. You should never draw a comparison, if there was an ex, with your partner.
14. You should celebrate the smallest of achievements that your partner makes.
15. You should stop holding on to wrong thoughts and start to forget and forgive.
16. You should mean whatever you are saying always.


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