Gradually your relationship is sinking, but you do not realize it, until some circumstance crop up and tells you on your face that it’s over. At times, the answer is right there, but we never pay heed to it. Ways to know whether your relationship is delicious as a cake or draining down to the pothole are –
1. Partner is a Stress – If your partner has become a stress for you to talk, then your relationship is not going to run long. And, if you are someone who talks to your partner to soothe yourself, you are a lucky one.
2. Intimacy – When the pillow talk and lovemaking has turned stale and there is no charm left between you two; it is surely going the drain. Intimacy is crucial to feel attached to your partner. If you can work to increase the fondness in bed for each other, it would spin to the delicious side.
3. Boredom – Earlier relationship used to excite you, but now it is you, your partner and the television. If the flame of his /her love does not ignite you, it is time to say goodbye to each other.
4. Who Fights Whom – It does not matter who is picking up the fight. Frequent fights are a sign that you both are not happy together.
5. Dodging Future Plans – If you do not vision future with your better half, then try giving it a last shot by traveling together to make it delectable than ever. However, if still it’s not working part your ways.
6. Daydreaming – If you already have started daydreaming about another man/woman, then it is time to adieu and start dating other people, as your feelings has vanished with time for him/her.
7. Complain Box – If as a couple you both have started nitpicking things and have thousands of complaints about to each other. The bond is fragile and can break anytime. Hence, you either analyze it, to make it wonderful or switch off the button off it.
8. Zero Interest – As a lover your inclination towards your mate has changed. You don’t feel attracted to him/her anymore. Call it off, if you are indifferent to your spouse.
9. Infidelity – You cannot forget or forgive your partner, if he/she has cheated on you. It is anyways, difficult to rebuild a trust level on your partner, once again. It is better to call it quits and walk away.
10. Uncomfortable – Suddenly, you don’t feel comfortable discussing your things with your partner. Because you feel he/she would judge you and gradually you are on your own.
11. Comparing With Your Ex – Comparing with your ex is not a good idea because neither you and nor your partner would keep happy and content. You will always find faults leading to a doom relationship.
12. Is it Time? – If breakup has crossed your mind the relationship is going through a bad patch. Do not give up if you have confidence that you can sail through it and drift it in the right direction to make it steamy hot.
13. Threatening To Leave – It is better to let him/her go because if he/she has loved you would never think of leaving you.
14. Steer Decisions – If it is your partner to take decisions, then it is better to be with a person respects your desires and wishes.
15. Surprises – A gift from your better half always enhances a charm in the relationship. So, if your partner gives you surprises like gifts, sudden long kisses definitely love is in the air for you.
16. Abuse – If a couple respects each other, no matter how ugly the argument they would never abuse. On the other hand, if your partner abuses you physically or verbally, he/she does not deserve you.
love quotes, love is the master key to open the gate of happiness


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