It is never easy to forgive someone who has hurt you. But, it is suggested that you forgive the person and move forward towards a better path. It takes time, however, it would make you feel free to progress ahead in life. Following are the tips that would help you to forgive anyone for any situation –
1. Point of View – Change your perception about the situation and let go off your anger. It would be the first step towards altering your viewpoint of what has happened.
2. Share Your Pain – Talk and discuss it with someone you are comfortable with; It would help you decide on what to do next. At times, in such circumstances, our mind blocks optimism. You never know after that, quality talk you may simply forgive that person.
3. Pen it Down – Write it down of how do you feel about the situation. It will tell you whether you are ready to forgive that person or not because writing about it is another form of sharing your feelings.
4. Benefit Of Doubt – No matter what has happened give another a chance at least to explain his/her side of the story. It would help you both to resolve the situation, ending in forgiveness.
5. Time Off – Take a good time to be away from your dear one who has hurt you. Analyze the whole scene and decide on what do you want. Taking a break would give you time to think about it.
6. Rest The Past – Let bygones be bygones. Forgiving someone is more about releasing ourselves from the bad experience, helping us to move forward in life.
7. Conscious Effort – At times, you take a cognizant move, rather than dwelling on the past. Make an effort to forgive voluntarily and free yourself.
8. Empathy –‘ To human is an err’. Even you may have hurt someone at some point of your life. With this thought, have sympathy with the person who has hurt you.
9. Say it with Words – directly say it loud to them –‘ I forgive you’. It will not only ease them off, but you would also have a good sleep.
10. Reckon Good Times – Recall the good old days, it will help you to forgive the person of making you understand that they are not really that bad after all.
11. Let Go – You have to let it go from your life. You can’t hold onto it. Hence, it is better that you forgive and forget about the whole thing.
12. Be The Hero – By forgiving someone you would be proud of yourself and would recall it as a heroic act rather than as a tale of pain and sufferings.
13. Tackle The Thought Process – Question yourself the benefits of forgiving. It would help to control your thoughts and take an effective decision.
14. Professional Help – After many attempts still you are not able to forgive the person; talk to a professional that may help you to overcome it.
15. Meditate – It will help you to calm your mind before you take any hasty decision.
16. No Isolation- Taking a time off is different from being alone.
17. Depression is Dark – Just because you are hurt does not mean that life has simply ended for you. Deal with the situation and face it bravely.


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